Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Isn't it amazing how one realization can change so much in your life? Many have asked about the remark referred to in yesterday's blog, and although I'm not sharing it, I did speak with the person who said it. She said she meant it as a compliment, that things were different for her. However she meant it, it was something I needed to hear. I'm glad she said it. Someone needed to make me realize what I was doing. And do you know, I worked very hard at not doing it yesterday and it felt great. I wasn't as stressed yesterday, I was happy all day. By me not doing this, I actually have less to worry about. In fact it is kind of freeing. So I encourage any of you out there, if there is something that you realize that you don't like about yourself, you can change. You can overcome whatever obstacles. Sometimes we rationalize our behavior because we think we deserve to act a certain way, but if it is not true to the covenant you made with God, your husband/wife, your children, your family and friends, then whatever rationalizations you have come up with are moot. I am so glad that I finally see this.

On another completely different subject, I am loving Easter this year, and I'm not talking about the religious part, but the festivities part. The church part is always meaningful to me. Josie is so much more aware of what is going on and wants to be involved. We went and saw the Easter bunny Saturday and of course she was so thrilled. We hunted for eggs throughout Bass Pro Shop and now that is all she wants to do is hunt eggs. That afternoon our town was holding Easter activities for the children and she loved it. We got there too late to hunt eggs, but she still loved every second of it and was so excited about the candy she got. After that she and I went to Wal-Mart to buy groceries and Palm trees so that we could have palm branches for the children to walk with on Sunday. She reminded me several times that we had to get the palm trees and was so excited about walking with the palm branches. Sunday she, her friend, her friend's mom, and I decorated Easter bonnets for the goody Easter bonnet parade. I hot glued easter grass, ribbon, fake flowers, and iron-on patches to her hat. She is so excited about it. On Lol's I hot glued easter grass, plastic eggs, flowers, and iron on patches. They are too cute. This week we will die eggs as a family, attend Maunday Thursday service, Good Friday service, Easter egg hunt at church on Saturday, Burdick Family Easter on Saturday night with egg dying, church Sunday morning, more eating with Other Mama and Pap-paw, and more egg hunting. She is so thrilled. She talks about the Easter bunny, and was so proud of her Easter art she did at "school" yesterday. I pray that I will keep all these memories, but I'm sure I'll forget a lot of it, but for now I'm floating on cloud nine seeing my little girl so happy and loving life.

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